Decision Formula
00,01,02,03 (+/-)
01,05,02,04 11 09
02,04,05,04 13 08
03,03,02,05 10 08
04,01,05,01 07 02
00,13,14,14 41 27
Type of interval: Open Interval
(1,2,3,4,5) = {x:1<x<5}
M = {x: x is considerations of everyones mood)
M = (p,s,c)
P(M with 05) = 33%
P(S with 00) = 67%
P(Great choice from Allah) = 100%
Notes: (2:216)
41_1_4(1-1) !5 (7-)(1-1)3 (13)35(7-) (1-1)31_(1>)3(12)
(7-)(1-1)3 (1^1)05(7-) (1<)^0(U*2)^ 0(1=) (1^1)3
Inshaa'Allah. Wallahua'alam.
dh decide?
-puding karamel-